Monday, April 4, 2011

questionnaire pt. 9; bcoz i want to.

i miss doing these surveys. idk y i'm like this. so, anothr one i found arnd the world wide web. :)
first survey for april btw!

- C U R R E N T -

[ Current Clothes ]
 sleveless tshirt n shorts.
[ Current Mood ] calm n content.
[ Current Music ] dbsk - you're my miracle. i love these old songs!
[ Current Taste ] ?? what do u mean?
[ Current Make-up ] i'm at home. y shud i?
[ Current Hair ] still on my head..
[ Current Annoyance] this back pain. dammit.
[ Current Smell ] oxygen when inhale. carbon dioxide when exhale.
[ Current Desktop Picture ] it changes evry 15secs bt if u say current; dujun's, kikwang's n yoseob's signature pose tht a fan made. see below ;)
[ Current Book you're reading ] the invisible book of nothingness. 
[ Current CD in CD Player] none.
[ Current DVD in player] genesis of beast! :o i have yet to watch. it arrived late. >.<
[ Current Color Of Toenails ] natural.
[ Current Refreshment ] wataaaa!
[ Current Worry ] my back pain.. -_-''

- L A S T P E R S O N [ AS OF TODAY ] -
[ You Touched ] u said today, so, none yet.
[ You Talked to ] mam.
[ You Hugged ] if u count my beast pillow as a person..
 You Text messaged ] dad.
[ You Yelled At ] none.
[ You Kissed ] none.

- F A V O R I T E -
[ Food ] anything fried, grilled :D i'm no fan of soup.
[ Drink ] water
[ Color ] white!
[ Album ] fr now, bran new kiss! <333
[ Shoes ] none rlly.. i jst wear anythng in sight.
[Candy ] gummy worms/bear! jelly beans! skittles~
[ Animal ] owl / snake
[ TV Show ] currently, running man!
[ Movie ] lol. i like all. no certain faves bt curious case of benjamin button still remain in my mind. hhe.
[ Song ] nrg - hit song. idk wht's with me old songs these days. hhe.
[ Vegetable ] mustard greens. XD
[ Fruit ] kiwi~
[ Cartoon ] spongebob squarepants. fans for 5yrs now XD

- A R E Y O U -
[ Understanding ] yea
[ Open-Minded ] yupyup
[ Arrogant ] hhe. sumtimes.. alil.
[ Insecure ] let's not b k
 Interesting ] yesyes!
[ Random ] yo
[ Hungry ] always..
[ Friendly ] only when u know me or when bord..
[ Smart ] evryone is! ^^
[ Moody ] not now.
[ Childish ] heheheheheheheheheeee
[ Independent ] mam still thinks i'm a baby..
[ Hard working ] if necessary.. XD
[ Organized ] uuhh
[ Healthy ] othr thn my idk wht back pain n throbbing knee, yes.
[ Emotionally Stable ] never not.
[ Difficult ] to undertand, yes.
[ Attractive ] i am arrogant n beautiful. hhe XD beauty is in the eye of the beholder, rite?
[ Bored Easily ] idk y i'm like tht. hha
[ Messy ] nt rlly. jst not organized
[ Thirsty ] now no bt my chapped lips say othrwise. sriously..
[ Responsible ] i hate lying.. so.. mybe? hhe
 Obsessed ] with music, yes.
[ Angry ] now, no. bt i'm nt sum1 tht gets angry easily.
[ Sad ] fr noe, nopey.
[ Happy] yea..
[ Hyper ] yo
[ Trusting ] i no lie. n so does my hips. o.0

-W H O D O Y O U W A N T T O -
[ Slap ] th dude who's on tv rite now tht idk n idk y.
[ Hug ] my fren ;( how r u in kl? hhu.
[ Get High With ] gd&top! XD
[ Look Like ] me. i don't want anybody's else face on me. yea!
[ Talk To Offline ] u mean.. dead?!
[ Talk To Online ] anyone who wants really. idc.

- W H O -
[makes u laugh the most? ] thers alot bt now, mc park myeongsoo! ^^
[makes you smile] alot! :)
[gives u a funny feeling when you see them ] hoh?
[who do you have a crush on? ] XD
[has a crush on you?] me? hhe
[is easiest to talk to] my frens! how r u at home? ^^

- D O Y O U E V E R -
[sit on the internet all night waiting for someone special to I.M. you?] nt rlly.. i'm prbbly th one to say goodbye first.
[save aol/aim conversations] noh. im no dope.
[wish you were a member of the opposite sex] sumtimes.. -_-'' i'm still gnna b beautiful tho xp
[cry because of someone saying something to you] nt rlly. i suck up alot of things.

- H A V E Y O U E V E R -
[fallen for your best friend] once. thnks to him, i found k-pop! :o thank you man! XDDDD
[been rejected] i think...
[rejected] yes. yay mee!
[been cheated on] if tht sum1 has, i rlly dunno. congrats to him on successfully keeping it from me @-@
[done something you regret] nope. i try not to regret.

- D O Y O U -
[smoke cigarettes] no.
[could you live without the computer?] yes, if i have a laptop.
[color your hair] now, not.
[ever get off the computer] duh!
[how many peeps are on your buddylist? ] idk. i do alot of 'spring-cleaning'.. if u'r tlking abt facebook.
[drink alcohol?] no.
[like watching sunrises or sunset] both! XD
[what hurts the most? physical pain or emotional pain? ] physical pain to me is still the most hurtful one T_T
[ get involved with after school stuff] used to. yes.
[ make a fool out of yourself often?] hehehehehhaahahahahha

- N U M B E R O F -
[Times i had my heart broken] huumm.. 2?
[hearts i`ve broken] uuhhh..
[close friends i have] nt much cuz only they'r th special ones, rather thn hving alot without special ones! :D
[CDs i own] many! ^^

now for the picture..
cr: as tagged.
how did kikwang manage to maintain that face in the first and third picture? ;p
is it just me, or yoseob has gotten.. lower? hhe. yoda. n dujun's virus is spreading.. -_-''
